Thursday, May 28, 2015


Our new home at summer camp has been full of the un-woodsy sounds of banging and big engines.

 The main lodge is being remodeled and every few days a concrete truck rolls through to pour another load.

 When the work is done there will be a new bathroom with shower plus storage rooms that don’t smell like skunk where the leaders can escape for a few moments from the
badgering of adolescents.

 The bathroom/shower building is also under renovation.

 The sinks were ripped off the wall to reveal a nice colony of black mold.

 Shiny stainless steel counters were installed with new sinks and plumbing.

 More concrete was poured to form a foundation.

 Crews of volunteers have been arriving daily to clean up the dead flies, chase out the dust bunnies and polish windows.

 My job has been to direct the cleaners to their assigned buildings, give them a to-do list and check them out when they’re done.

My dear hubby was happy to help the groups with stuck windows, stubborn screens and locked doors.

 One of our camping neighbors put out hanging baskets of flowers and a humming bird feeder.

 She has more customers than an ice cream truck.

 Evenings right now are quiet and peaceful.  But that will change a lot when the campers arrive in June.  It will be good to have more warm bodies around.  We're having trouble feeding all the mosquitoes by ourselves.

We’ve had so much rain that we discovered our borrowed camper trailer has a dripping leak right over the head of our bed.  Talk about a wake-up call.  We both blamed the other for bed-wetting until we figured it out.

The rain, a mountain of dirty laundry, the craving for a long, hot shower and Wi-Fi of any variety drove us out of the woods and back to civilization.  We’re here for a couple of days and then we’ll load up a filled propane tank, a basket of clean laundry, a good supply of chocolate and DVD’s and go back for more. 


  1. Sounds like you got the best job, directing the cleaners!

  2. "....feeding the mosquitoes all by ourselves..." Hah, good one! I hope you have plenty of hydrocortisone creme for the itchies.
    A hint about the leak from my FIL---raise the bed end of the camper about 2 inches and that should fix your leak right away. Send the water on its way so it can't trickle down on your head.

  3. Carla: thanks for the suggestion. Not used to living in a house that can be tipped to let the rain run off. We'll try it.

  4. It sounds like hard work that will be worth it in the end. I was given lime scented oil in Scotland for the midges and it did seem to deter them a bit.

  5. Too bad they can't fill you up a tank of WiFi for the middle of nowhere like the propane.


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