Monday, July 31, 2017


Our town hosts an amateur rodeo on the weekend of July 4th at the County Fairgrounds just a couple of blocks from our house.

The beginning event is the Mutton Bustin’ which is kids riding sheep.  There aren’t many rules.  The main goal is to stay on the sheep as long as possible.

If you’re lucky a rodeo clown will catch you before you bite the dust.

 If you’re not so lucky…

 …the clown misses.

 Even a cowgirl with a pink helmet gives it a shot and comes out with a very high score.

 My favorite was this guy.  He had a look of grim determination and he hung on with just one hand for most of his long ride.

The sheep bucked and ran so fast the poor clown was seriously challenged to keep up.

 But he was there for the catch when the ride ended almost at the fence.

 The young man walked back past the rodeo princess with his prize money and got a big high five from the judge.


  1. Do they put a bur under the saddle like they do with the broncs?

  2. No saddle. Just a quick-release belt so the kids can hang on. Ride lasts about 5 seconds.

  3. Your photos are right up there with all the fun!

  4. Looks like a fun time! Except for the poor little guy who didn't get caught by the clown. He looks rather distressed. All part of growing up...hopefully he got right back on for another ride!

  5. I would win. If I sat on a sheep it wouldn't be able to move.


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