Saturday, April 11, 2020


NaPoWriMo PROMPT: Write a poem in which one or more flowers take on specific meanings.

Late Bloomers

I like coneflowers. 
Oh, sure, daffodils and crocus 
Relieve the dreary grays of winter. 
Primrose, lavender, rosemary, myrtle, lily. 
Daisy, violets, pansies 
Inspired Burns, Keats and Shelley. 
Everybody loves a rose. 
Their colors cheer, their perfumes soothe.

But coneflowers wait 
‘Til others fade in summer heat. 
Bringing smiles when they’re needed, 
They stand for strength, endurance, healing. 
Their pink petals catch the sunrise 
And persevere until sundown for days. 
Like pioneers of the prairies 
They survive and persist. 

And there in their center
A little hedgehog
Curls up for a nap.

(illustration is one of my watercolors.  See more here.)

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