Tuesday, April 7, 2020


NapoWriPo PROMPT: Today our prompt is an oldie-but-goodie: a poem based on a news article.

Two Thousand Ducks 

At a fancy South Africa winery estate 
They’ve hired a force of two thousand ducks. 
Do they sample wine with discerning tongues? 
Do they know Sauvignons from Merlo deluxe? 

No, they join in a daily duck parade 
And march all the way to the vineyard fields. 
There they gobble up bugs and snails and pests 
To protect vine growth and improve the yield. 

They’re allowed to poop as much as they like. 
The soil is improved by the poultry muck. 
So if your Chardonnay has a hint of dung, 
Don’t turn up your nose, just blame the ducks.


  1. Thank goodness for duck-poop... is a sentiment I never thought would enter my bran... and yet, here we are.

    Nicely done! :)


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