Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our family always schedules a fishing trip during the days after Thanksgiving. 

Two of the young men who went along this year have birthdays during the last week of November so they received poles and tackle boxes in anticipation of the event.

They all usually go to a big icy lake north of here.

This year the fishing was superb.

Everyone in the group caught fish

and they came home with their limit early in the afternoon.

The fish they caught were rainbow trout ...

and brown trout.

The fillets from these big fish are pink in color and have a flavor near to cod and lighter than salmon.

I did not go along but stayed home with some of the ladies and babies. Thanks goes to Hubby and the dads for taking some of these photos and giving their time to share skills and make great memories.


  1. Wonderful memories and skills passed on to the younger generation..sure hope there are MORE fish in the waters! What a catch!!!

  2. Oh man, what a catch! Sure sad to have missed it. I feel like there is much that we have/will miss, but life goes on.

  3. Fishing in the snow!
    This is a new one.
    Glad you were all well wrapped up.
    Lovely pictures.

  4. How great! We love fishing when we are at our cabin. Your photos and tales makes me want to go there again as soon as possible. We don't go often during winter though.


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