Friday, December 5, 2008


First, congratualtions to Running Spider for answering the Poetry Quiz for my last posting. I have edited that post by adding the words to the poem under my photos. NOW...

Here is the third installment of the list of valuable information that I started on November 02.

* Sometimes less is more. Sometimes more is not enough. And sometimes more is just more. * You don’t always find what you want in a person, but you usually get what you expect. * Don’t become so focused on the windshield bugs that you miss the scenery. * Even though powdered baby food looks like fish food---the fish don’t like it---especially in large quantities. * A cow chews her cud approximately twenty-five times before she swallows it. * The value of a kitchen appliance is: The amount of time and effort it saves you—minus the time it takes to learn to use it—minus the time it takes to clean and maintain it—minus the area it takes up in the kitchen. * When you are traveling long distances by car or bus never pass up an opportunity to pee. * It is never so bad that it can’t get worse. * Don’t keep ointment for sore muscles next to the toothpaste. * You can tell a lot about a couple by the way they put up a camping tent. * When you take the “Do Not Remove” tags off your pillows--no one comes to arrest you. * It is not a good idea to scream at the driver.


  1. Thanks for vising my blog. You have some fun stuff here and some nice photos too. I love that deer jumping. and I like those sayings. I use that one saying a lot....sometimes more is just more. :)
    I will be back.

  2. i like these posts. these are some of my favorites.

  3. Fun..these are sharp! I didn't read these in order but I've read most all (wonder what that says)? I came back cause the first one was good...


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