Friday, June 12, 2009


Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
E. L. Doctorow
Fog is uncommon here. When it happens I do things like...
Yell (more often than usual) "Stop the car! I got to get a photo of that!"
Or, I forget to turn around the flower pot that got chewed up by the snow thrower last winter before taking the picture. Or, I just stand and marvel as The Pacific Ocean smashes against the State of Washington with such force that I can feel it vibrate my bones.


  1. Gorgeous. I love the ocean shot!

  2. ohhh! Lovely!

    And that is the other end of my ocean !

    How wild it looks. Just think, it goes all the way there, so far away.

  3. Leenie - that photograph of the Pacific Ocean is wonderful - wish I could take one as good. You are lucky to live near to the Pacific. I have only seen it once - from Vancouver - it is so majestic.

  4. I probably wouldn't have noticed the flower pot. *grin* great photos

  5. Mist and fog make for the most wonderful shots as proved here.
    Loved you funny Elvis comment on my blog but poor husband ultra-sensitive about bald spot.......!!!

  6. Oh, these are wonderful B&W's! Especially the ocean scene....and the peaceful porch....and the stark tree.....all of them are great! Thank goodness for occasional fog. The writing quote is most thought-provoking, too....if only I could just let go of my fears and drive in the dark.....

  7. Those are gorgeous -- the b&w adds a great atmosphere to the scenes.

  8. i love the b&w tree. some how it created a mystery and intrigue the viewers.

  9. Magnificent fog pictures - I like all of them! Cheers!

  10. Nice photos !



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