Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The southwest corner of Idaho is a vast open place relatively free from human occupation. The rocky soil and high altitude make it good for cattle grazing and ideal for birds of prey. The World Center for Birds of Prey, which helped bring the Peregrine Falcon, condors and some species of kestrels back from extinction, operates there. This is why the Idaho Quarter Dollar bears the likeness of a falcon. (In my opinion the image of a falcon is much more striking than a potato, which was another choice).

In the late eighteen hundreds southwest Idaho was the most populated county in the territory. The discovery of silver and gold caused a mining boom that brought crowds and modern conveniences such as electricity and telephones. Around 250 mines were in operation. Now there are none. Silver City was one of the major cities in the Idaho Territory. Now it is a living ghost town. The streets are not paved. Visitors usually arrive in four-wheel drive vehicles and have to bring their own food, water and fuel. A few buildings, such as the school and hotel are restored and maintained and are open to the public.
On one rocky hill sits Our Lady of Tears Catholic Church. Services are still held there on Sunday and it is available for weddings.
One website states, “Couples should note that Our Lady of the Tears Church has no bathroom facilities or dressing or changing rooms. “Rustic” style bathrooms are available at the foot of the hill on which the church sits; these are maintained by the Bureau of Land Management.”
Original Watercolors by me. The colt painting has nothing to do with the post. I just added it for fun.


  1. Your renditions of "Our Lady of Tears" are just beautiful! And, thank you for the interesting info about the Birds of Prey Center. You know, I had noticed the bird on the Idaho quarter, but my curiosity had not been enough to look it up to see why it was there. Yes, definitely better than a potato, though certainly there's nothing wrong with potatoes.

  2. Fine paintings these, fresh and vibrant.

  3. Impressive paintings and color scheme and I love the catch light in the colt’s eye, it adds a sparkle of life to it. Nicely done

  4. This is just amazing. Of course being a farmer, I sort of lean toward the potato! HA :)


  5. A spud on a a quarter would have been hilarious- I vote for the spud!
    Our Lady Of Tears- appropriate for a wedding AND a funeral- I like that there are no changing rooms. Idaho so like Wyoming especially ghost towns and being prepared as you head off across country- take everything you may need because you will not find a store on every corner- you will not even find a corner.Really love the colt painting. Want to chuck him under the chin...

  6. It sounds like my kind of place and the watercolors are beautiful.

  7. That history is intriguing. Would love to visit a ghost town like that. And your paintings are amazing. Who knew?

  8. Beautiful church Leenie and lovely paintings too. I saw some of the white churches when I came to US earlier this year - Peacham, Old Bennington, Lexington - absolutely beautiful.

  9. Oh wow ... those watercolours are beautiful. You are so talented!

    Silver City sounds like an interesting place to visit!

  10. Beautiful pics. My daughter was married in the church on Sunday, 6/14. It is truly beautiful!


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