Monday, June 29, 2009


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yesterday’s thunderstorm filled the Saturday morning with haze. The river churned out of its bed and into the grasses along the bank. Here was a day with a warm sunrise, without wind, without drizzle, without the pressure to punch a time clock. I rode my bicycle along the vacant path. Brightness drifted through branches, edging the leaves with shimmering green. A soft mist held the light in long banners over the water. Ducks the color of night shadows drifted along the edge.

My silent wheels rolled over the bridge and out of town. The lingering rain water embraced every surface and sparkled and danced. My stretching shadow in the fields was surrounded by an aura of bending sunbeams. Only here would I see the impossible image of myself with a halo and long lean legs. I eased up the hill savoring the air. Down the back side and across the ridge above town I traveled on a road empty of loud trucks and speeding cars. I met only a few runners and a group on bicycles with grins as wide as mine.

Okay, kinda sappy writing. Oh well...
When I checked out my photos I discovered I had captured a slice of the GREEN FLASH, not once, but twice. In the movie Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End the green flash is is rumored to signify a soul returning from the dead. I didn't hang around to find out. I'd had enough of green weather phenomena the day before (see previous post).


  1. I like your lyrical prose. I can deal with it, definitely. Lovely photos, too.

  2. I have never hear of the green flash before. Something new to look for. Very cool.

  3. Hey, if you want an invite to my blog send me your email to have to go private because some weirdos in Sweden were downloading my pictures.

  4. Green Flash... I learned something new.
    What a lovely area for riding. Glad you took your camera and that you tend to the lyrical.

  5. I like your "sappy" writing. It very nicely conveys the feeling of your bicycle outing.

    About the green flash...very interesting! I've never heard of that meaning before. Once in a great while, its in one of my photos. I figured there was something wrong with my lens or camera.

  6. Thanks for calling my over sentimental stuff "lyrical prose."

    The green flash in those two photos is probably a lens flare that happens when shooting into strong light. The pics are straight out of camera so the flare being is so green is what makes it fun.

  7. OK, now, I was revelling in your ride and then I just plain got freaked out. Very cool...I think.

  8. I liked the writing. It made me feel like I was there.
    It would be nice to exercise vicariously through others.


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