Thursday, January 14, 2010


When a person is cross-country skiing through the lovely woods; and one cannot, or does not wish to write their name in gold in the mantle of sparkly white snow. Or, when a person doesn’t want to take the chance of showing off their northern exposure to any skier who may happen by: it is nice to find a kybo, outhouse, or privy a mile or so down the trail, (with toilet paper, Oh! Joy!)

One cannot enter, however, unless they remove their skis.

And, if it has been a while since it has been used, there may be fragile frosty crystals all around the rim of the seat.

This truly puts a lady’s hovering abilities to the test!

I wonder if Wikipedia has this definition of “blue moon” yet.

(Sorry about the quality of the photos. I left Nikon home in case I did any cartwheels into trees and therefore had to use my cell phone.)

P.S. My heart and prayers are with the people in Haiti


  1. Men do not appreciate their advantage in these situations!!
    Really made me laugh!

  2. Blue Moon indeed! Hilarious! Truly looks like a portal potty- surreal- I am glad that you were not sucked into another dimension, I am sure you were quick.

  3. Holy Moley! What a cold potty seat!

  4. Blue moon! lol!
    I'm afraid I'm a go-in-the-woodser.

  5. Now that's a side of living in a snowy world that I'd never considered... brrrrr! :)

  6. Challenging on all fronts - or behinds as the case may be!

  7. This brought such a smile to my face Leenie - and it is just what was needed on a day when the pictures from Haiti get more and more distressing.

  8. I've been sitting here trying to think of something witty and lavatorial to say - but I have to admit defeat!! have a good weekend - we're hoping that the thaw continues!

  9. im getting a chill just looking at it.

  10. Oh, I had a good laugh at your "ladies' hovering abilities"! I have to say that I am an expert hoverer, having practiced this skill since the age of about 10, when someone told me a horrible story about sitting down on public loos. Needless to say, 40 years later I have forgotten what the horrible story was, but oh man, I have incredible thigh muscles.


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