Friday, February 26, 2010

Nobody sees a flower—really—it is so small it takes time—and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. Georgia O’Keeffe

Addendum: Linda Sue's comment brought up another quote from Georgia O'Keeffe: I hate flowers. I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move.  (My experience with daisies in a vase as models is that they DO move--toward the light source.)  I'm sure a whole line of philosophy could be written from all this.  I'm just thinking Ms. O'Keeffee had her moods like everyone else.  But when you're in the public eye--it all goes on record. 


  1. A beautiful photo and post. I do hope Spring is not far away for you Leenie, and the flowers will start to bud, and regarding your previous post, our Australian ambassador had to be wheeled in to meet President Obama recently, after he slipped on the ice or snow over there.Not something we see a lot of over here, unless we make a special trip to the ski resorts.

  2. A beautiful flower - and a thought-provoking quote!

  3. Interesting quote considering the Georgia actually disliked flowers! What's that say about her masterpieces? Find the beauty in the things that repulse you and the love will come? Don't know- lovely shot of sweet fragile flower, Friendship and flowers- sort of like each other, don't they.I buy myself a flower eveery now and then, and sign the card "from your best friend, Self".

  4. I loved that! Love your commentor too. Great thoughts. Loved the buying a flower for yourself. I do that with chocolate but usually my butt writes me a note cursing me.

  5. We really need some blue flowers just about now!

  6. I think she did a great job of turning something she disliked into something beautiful if that's true. I'm with you though, I reckon that was just recorded on a bad day or when she was asked a stupid question by a journalist and was being flippant in response.

    I love your photograph! It hints of spring... I gather you'll have snow on the ground for a while yet though?


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