Friday, April 30, 2010


This is the seventh installment of my list of valuable information usually learned the hard way. Follow the links if you are interested in reading one, two, three, four, five, and six.

Cookie dough’s purpose is to hold warm chocolate chips together so they are easily eaten. • If you expect others to make you happy you will be endlessly disappointed. • Most kids want a pet, but nobody wants to empty the litter box, clean the fish tank, or pick up the dog doo off the lawn. • The advantage of being forgetful is that you can hide your own Easter eggs and you can re-read your favorite books again and again. • Sanity trumps nostalgia. • Red cars go faster. • How to test the value of an object--WOULD YOU PACK IT AND TAKE IT WITH YOU IF YOU WERE MOVING? WOULD IT BE IMPORTANT TO YOUR FAMILY IF YOU DIED? • Don’t compare yourself to others. They are more screwed up than you think. • It is easier to eat crow while it's still fresh. • Anticipation is often better than the real thing. • People who are happy to give you directions are not necessarily giving you the right information. • A mile up a mountain trail is much longer than a mile along a sidewalk. • Remember, you are unique, just like everyone else. • You know winter is about over when you get in your car in the morning and your drinking water is not frozen solid.


  1. This is a great list. The anticipation one makes me remember when I peeked at my Christmas presents in my mum's wardrobe. Christmas was not the same without surprises. I never peeked again, even when I knew where they were hidden.

  2. This made me smile..terrific bite! Have a wonderful day there-

  3. Oh, I like this list! I've learnt almost the same lessons - but not the one with the crow(?!) Also, I know people say that about anticipation, but it is not true for me. I never think or plan something too much, to avoid that exact problem. I tend to do things on the spur of the moment, without thinking too much about it, and the event/trip/whatever is almost always fantastic. (Or maybe I am just easy to please?) What I have found though, is if I anticipate problems in a project or process - I am almost always pleasantly surprised. People perhaps think that I am a negative kind of person, always anticipating problems, but in fact I am an unusually (when comparing myself to those around me)happy person!
    PS O I hope you can get rid of those layers now - what's with your weather? (Whereas we had the most beautiful warm summer's day today ...)

  4. If I were moving I would toss a grenade over my shoulder and blow this place up! Eating crow is weird...eating cookie dough is not. Never ask for dirrections...

  5. *grin* You had me cracking up when I read "The advantage of being forgetful is that you can hide your own Easter eggs". Hah! And so true! It IS a perk when one accidentally discovers a chocolate egg behind a picture frame or in the typewriter. Thank you for the smile this afternoon. :)


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