Thursday, May 6, 2010


I KNOW it snows here in May.  It snows here in JUNE!
So it's too cold for sandals.

And I've put away my snow boots.

So I'm wearin' THESE!

Bloomin' crappy weather!


  1. I flew over your part of the world (on google earth) trying to imagine where you might be, wherever it is the location looks amazing, but I guess the novelty wears off when you get snow in your tulips!

  2. Ugh! Double ugh! I'll bet the farmers are stressed. Rain, maybe, but May should not have snow.


  3. I guess it might be true then for us, I'll let you know if we get it tomorrow night! Still seems to warm for it I'm not too hopeful, how low did your temps get?

    But I personnally wouldn't mind; maybe I can try again for a beautiful snowflake picture :-P

  4. after an earlier-than-normal spring, minnesota will most likely see snow tonight or tomorrow. :(

  5. I seriously wished it snowed..but looks like we missed out this year! You have a nice pair of boots and these photos are just gorgeous! It would be nifty to catch some falling snow or a petal peering out at me like this! Lovely-

  6. Oh how tedious- then i suppose the sun comes out and the deer flies and the hot hot weather- extreme to extreme. guess it's worth it to see moose in your yard...

  7. What a mess this morning driving from Hibbard to Rexburg. Looks like you survived the spring snow. Great pictures.

  8. Spring! Come back! Ready for some warmth.

  9. Aaaccckkk!
    Summer is pushing in here pretty quickly. It was 95* yesterday. I'm not sure which I like the least--snow in May or 95*.

  10. Good lookin boots!

    People keep telling me that we may have one more snow here before we're done. I've got all my mother's day flowers ready to plant tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  11. Ah - so that is where our winter is... Still in singlet tops here in May, which possibly is unfair.

    We don't get snow, so it still gives me smiles whenever I see it in pics.

  12. And I thought we'd had a long winter! I admire your fortitude and I'll think of this whenever I go to whinge about our weather...

    I've enjoyed catching up with your recent posts - loved the elusive animals especially and baby J is just cuter and cuter and clearly so very loved!

    I'll wish you sun... or at least thermal socks :) x


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