Sunday, November 28, 2010


We signed papers and moved into our first house in December of 1975.  As decades passed we’ve gone through the old house room by room and ripped out walls and replaced and repaired and added on.  Two years ago we finally admitted the bathroom needed another makeover.  This time even the fixtures went out the door.

Underneath the old cast iron tub we found 
a layer of dried mud left behind by a flood 
just six months after we moved in.

We replaced our old tub with a deep jetted bath. 
It fits in the same space so no major remodeling was needed.

 I LOVE this tub!  Most mornings I only have time for a quick shower.  
But I try at least once a week to crank on the water and the jets 
and let the bubbles take me away.

This tub works great as a kid-washer too.  Just toss in the little munchkins, add soap and water, turn on the jets, and in no time at all; peanut butter, boogers and toe jam are washed away.

There are several mermaids in the younger generation who hold the record of two hours in the water and bubbles.  The boys have not even come close to that entry. 

 Because of hard tap water we have a water-softener. 
 This means LOTS of bubbles from a little soap.  
No bubble-bath is allowed when kids are washed. 

Shampoo plus jetted water results in…

 …lots and lots of wonderful bubbles!


  1. Erik and I have always wanted one of those- we settled for a mat that had holes in it and forced air though to make bubbles. One day I went into the bathroom where we had shower doors and the bubbles were up to the ceiling- no kids could be found- I was pretty sure that they had suffocated- how was i going to explain this! The kids were fooling me...thought it was hilarious.
    I love your toes!

  2. Now THAT is a serious bubble bath! I'd seriously take a run at breaking that record :)

    Looks like you did a beautiful job in the renovation. We have notoriously hard water in this region so we have soft water and I love how a little soap goes a long way!

  3. Leenie..I just finished reading the story about the dam- then re-reading it to my husband! Wow..I can't imagine living through that one! It must of left you forever changed..but you wanted jets in your tub (lol)!! The markings on those trees are a you know what the name of those trees are by any chance? Good thing you and most everyone made it through that loss! I'm trying to swallow all that water!
    Now..I have (had) a better story about my tub..but I lost some pictures. I may have to bribe my cat into another photo session (ha ha)- amazing post-

  4. Wow ♪
    You have so fantastic bath time !!
    I would like to take such a bubble bath like an actress in theater.
    (LOL) ε= ('0ノ'*)

  5. Almost made me nostalgic for a bath. We have recently had a bath taken out and replaced by a shower. That first burst of hot water is bliss.

  6. It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was good too, but yours actually made me a little jealous . . . maybe it's just that food always looks better when it's cooked by someone else.

    Enjoy that tub! When they want to tear ours out, they'll probably have to remove my husband's body from it first.

  7. I love my Wednesday morning bath - lots of bubble bath, a mug of hot chocolate, something tasty to eat and a good book. Showers on the other mornings just aren't the same!!

  8. Oh wow! I have had a go in one of these baths a couple of times and love them-I am jealous!
    Bubbles-kids just love bubbles! I don't ever want to know what toe jam is though!

  9. Oh. My. Word. That looks FABULOUS. We have a deep jetted tub, but I rarely bathe. I'm a shower girl. You make it look good, though. :)

  10. That looks so relaxing! I know what you mean about out-of-control bubbles. We put the boys in our jet bathtub & once those things come on, it looks like they've gotten lost in a snow storm in North Dakota or something. We sometimes have to put them in the shower to wash off the tables. Anyway, love your new bathroom. Congratulations!

  11. I take a bubble bath at least three times a week.



    p.s. I'm tired of doing WI's laundry, btw, and would like to bring it to ID. If I bring adult beverages -- or at least guacamole! -- you're cool with that, right?

  12. The remodeled bathroom looks great, and all the bubbles look heavenly. I'll bet the kids love the jets as much as the bubbles.

  13. Do you put a cake of soap to dissolve against the water intake of the whirlpool for a while to make bubbles? Or do you just have the kids use bar soap normally, and it foams up with the jets?


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