Saturday, November 27, 2010


Not long after I finished baking the pies

 …a crowd began to gather.

 By the time the turkey was ready; all twenty-two of us had assembled.

 We were breaking in a new bird-carver 
and he wasn’t working with the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Food from every direction appeared and the table was set.

 A dinner like this is a good time to be taught the difference
 between cave-man and party manners.

 Those whipped Idaho Russet Potatoes go down real smoooooth.

 Ooooo!  They were right about turkey making you drowzzzzzzzzeee.

 We were celebrating more than mass quantities of food.  There were one...



 Two elevens and a ten.  No spitting.

 Contests followed, like this impromptu game of balloon volleyball.

 The mathematically-minded love rummy-cube.

There was also an extreme game of Pictionary 
for the many artistically inclined in the family.  
No photos are available, but I’ll tell you there was intense competition
 and the field was leveled by adding the challenge 
of drawing with eyes closed or left handed. 
I was beat out by some granddaughters with amazing skills.

 When a gathering is held in snow weather a lot of winter clothing tends to stack up.

 We ate all the pie…

 …the turkey was gone.  And then after three days of partying 
all the guests were gone.

The dolly who spends most of her days 
sleeping in her little bed upstairs wanted to know…



  1. That doll is kind of scaring me! Ha! It looks like you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful you follow my blog and that I am on your blogroll over there. Happy to be there! :)

  2. Bwahahahahaha!

    OMG. The dolly is the icing on the cake. Happy birthday to the children!

  3. Wow it looks like a whirlwind! Glad you had fun!

  4. THREE BIRTHDAYS!!! AND thanksgiving? Whoa! Where do you get your energy? After reading this post I feel just like dolly! The pies are gorgeous!! Were gorgeous...

  5. This was absolutely charming, Leenie! It looks like a fabulous time was had by all (and who could resist those gorgeous pies! Yum! I wish I could steal some through the computer screen - lol) and the last photo had me laughing out loud! Loved it!

  6. Leenie thanks for sharing your holiday pics - what a lovely family.
    It was -8c here on our way home from friends last night and I thought of you - very unusual in these parts especially in November - probably balmy in your neck of the woods. (I am always saying my friend who lives near Yellowstone says .... when an extreme weather conversation comes up)

  7. Thank you for sharing so fantastic time with your family and friends !! Great chicken and gorgeous cakes should be cheerful gifts for them.

  8. Looks like a good time was had by all!! Can you come visit and make me lots of pies and a birthday cake!!

  9. Looks like you had a fabulous time..not to mention those birthday celebrations!! Younger son makes the mashed potatoes and pies (this year was apple and cherry. The oldest did the yams and green bean casserole (lol)..makes me smile. Well, I'm still wiped out but was worth it! I love all your cozy family photos and the games..nice to see the interaction Leenie! You got some terrific photos here! Did you sample each piece of cake? Was this gathering at your place?
    Hey, thanks for the book suggestion too..sounds so interesting! Now I hope your enjoying your weekend! (Hugs)

  10. Wonderful photos but that last one is hilarious! Three birthdays and Thanksgiving - I'm impressed Leenie- the house must seem so quiet!! All that impressive food, baking, and sleep-overs - wow.

  11. The doll pic is hilarious. I feel a little like that after a long weekend of holiday company. Lots of fun, lots of memories, but it all went by way too fast.


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