Monday, December 27, 2010


Greetings to my blogger friends!  
Your posts fill my days with fun and friendship.
Some blogs I just read and enjoy.  On others I leave comments.
Many have been kind enough to visit and comment here.
Your stories and photos are gifts to me from all over the world.

Sometimes I even receive more than comments!

My friend Anairam in South Africa sent me a card bearing Christmas greetings 
and a portrait by Agnolo Bronzino.  It is so fun to see Anairam's handwriting 
and to note the festive embellishments of red glitter put there by her hand.

Linda Sue from north Puget Sound sent me a whole box of goodies.
One item was a new set of words for my magnetic poetry collection.
Putting the intimidating words to work was a formidable challenge.
With dictionary in hand I produced the following.

I don't know if it makes any sense,
 but it looks rather flamboyant and ostentatious
don't you think?

The final line is stolen/borrowed from another blogger friend
who is presently trying to keep her head above water 
during unprecedented flooding in Queensland, Australia.
Thanks and best wishes to Bush Babe.
Be sure to check out her astounding photos of their bridge going under.


  1. Brilliant: what a poet you are!

    And Bronzino is my almost favourite. :-)

  2. I love reading your posts from a local prospective.

    Happy New Year. I have to get in the truck soon - headed for Mackey Reservoir for some fishing.

  3. Great presents from Linda Sue-you always say it-she gives the best gifts! Lovely card from Anairam too, how exciting to receive foreign post I always think-and I never used to until I started blogging and met lovely people from around the world!

  4. A nice laugh-out-loud from that poem, Leenie -- only a word or two that I feel I may need to consult the dictionary for. I, too, am a hopeless magnetic poetry addict. One year at girls' camp I was asked to teach a poetry workshop, so I made magnetic poetry-like kits on white cardstock and then gave all the girls a notebook and a gluestick. It was an awesome activity (except for all the cutting preparation!) and I was amazed by the results.

    For some reason, when you hand people a pile of words, they can make poetry. Why they don't think they can pull the words out of the air by themselves I don't know, but I've always found it to be an interesting phenomenon.

  5. Well done Ms. poetry genius! Those are english language words, right?
    Cool card from M- Looks very like her, no? The water in australia is probably welcomed by that dry continent- hard on bridges but good for what grows wild, I'm sure...just like our basement!

  6. I have a magnetic poetry set based on food - I haven't written a poem for a while, so now I feel inspired!

  7. You are so amazingly gifted, Leenie! Thanks for all the fun this year!


  8. This was neat and I'm marveling at folks who posted through Christmas week too..(smile). My dog just finished her biscuit and she has the nerve to stare at me while I eat my stale Christmas cookie! I love those tracks in the snow and the beautiful flaming sky!
    Poetry can be a perfect outlet at times, though I can't always say what I want..or I shouldn't (grin). Glad you could share a little of your goodies with us:)

  9. Yay! I am glad my card arrived safely. Wow, that poem is something - hmm, yes, to cut out the crap, I'll make that my motto for 2011.


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