Sunday, January 16, 2011


I know it's old news, but we're still up to our rumps in snow.

The bull of the place (my DH) is feeling much, much better.
Thanks for your kind concern.

photos of the elk herd wintering in Jackson Hole, Wyoming


  1. That's awesome news, Leenie!

    Love the pics!

  2. Beautiful shots of magnificent animals! There are rumors that the re-established elk herds in Kentucky have trouble reading a map and they are wandering over this way though I haven't seen any .....yet.

  3. Glad he's doing well! Our snow is gone for the moment - wet and windy instead!!

  4. I'm glad he's doing better. I'm guessing you're not letting him out to shovel snow?

    I love your header subtitle--I guess I've missed seeing it until today, "Snowmen fall from heaven, unassembled." :)

  5. I am glad that DH is well. What he says about you and easter eggs made me laugh! I am like that with films, I can watch them a lot of times before I really know how they end! I like the gingery bottoms of the elks-I hope that doesn't make me sound weird!

  6. Those are actually quite charming! Someone gently reminded me that there were privacy laws..but for some reason, when it comes to's open season! (lol)

  7. Glad to see that we're not the only ones buried in snow (misery loves company, after all). But double glad that DH is on the mend!

  8. I'm so glad that your husband is doing better!

  9. Be like lying down in a refrigerator wouldn't you think? I'd be finding another elk to snuggle up to! Great pics Leenie, and good news about your husband.

  10. Whew- Dh out of the woods!
    The elk are mighty! Glorious creatures- had to laugh at Sarah and her ginger bottom likings...
    My Dad never could bring himself to hunt Elk- just waited for them to commit suicide, which they never did, But our neighbor hunted frequently- The meat was incredible!

  11. You always have the most entertaining and clever way to say things. I love the photo.


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