Friday, January 21, 2011


They are gone.  SHE Who Opens Cans and HE Who Sleeps in the Big Soft chair 
went away Wednesday and haven’t come back.

 When I saw this photo on SHE’s computer 
and I heard them mention words like, “passport,” and, “beach,” 
I knew something was up.  
They’ve been grumbling about the long winter.  But who hasn’t.

 When they started packing I tried to stow away in a suitcase.  
I was hoping I’d match the color of their luggage and they wouldn’t notice.

 But, alas, I was discovered.

 Don’t leave me here alone in this frozen purgatory with Fuzzy Legs!  
He’s so slow to open cans and sleeps with his door closed 
so I can’t stomp him into getting early breakfast, 
and second breakfast, and elevensies.

 If Fuzzy Legs forgets to empty my litter box 
I’m going to leave a log on the carpet 
where he will step in it on the way to his bathroom.



  1. Where are you going?!
    The last two pictures are a riot. It really looks like Thomas is having a fit. :)
    Please enjoy the sand and sun for all of us.

  2. Thomas, She Who Opens Cans and He Who Sleeps in Big Soft Chair really need this break. And if Fuzzy Legs is too slow to open that can or clean the litter box, I think it's only fair you leave him a gift :)

    PS: I hope SWOC and HWSIBSC are having a fabulous time!

  3. Get some sun for me!!!!!
    I am half frozen and tired of the white stuff... heading to Idafornia this weekend to get what little sun we can afford! Have a wonderful time, Don't get too burned and take tons of picts! It was super fun to see you on the webcam! Tell Dad that sandals are better than knee sox so he made a great choice! You both are going to have soooo much fun!..... but you have to come back to us! luv and hugs The Big "B" gang.

  4. What a precious post. I hope you will not be offended if I steal this idea the next time I go on a trip. How adorable!

  5. I like Thomas. I'm jealous of you too.

  6. Tee Hee! Hope it's a wonderful (well-deserved) warm vacation.

  7. Lying on a beach on a southern island is the most comfortable time.
    Have a nice trip !
    Don't forget to put on your sunblock.
    Hi! Thomas, please behave yourself while they are gone.

  8. enjoy your time away!

  9. I would have tried to hide in the suitcase as well - I need sun and warmth and I need it NOW!! Hope you have a wonderful time.

  10. Thomas wasn't making it up!? WOW, you are in the sunshine, blue sea, fishies tickling your toes- and I AM HERE!! DANG!
    Well, I hope y'all have just way too much fun - too much vit.D and too much fresh fishies!And by "fresh" I don't mean the ones that swim too close to the nether region in a wiggly playful manner...
    YAHOO! Have double fun- pretend I am with you! I need some fun about now.

  11. I think Thomas will survive.
    They usually do even without our tender ministrations.
    Hope you are going somewhere super duper!!

  12. Hilarious. I love the way that Thomas describe you. Makes me wonder what I'd be to my poochitos. What brilliant pictures. I'm assuming it was a kismet moment, since cats usually don't do the whole staging a photo thing. A bit of a faux paw (har dee har har)

  13. Hilarious! My kitties insist on stowing away too, but to their chagrin they are always discovered. Hope you guys have a great trip-- a mid-winter getaway is one of the most important things in the world!

  14. You do that Thomas! Good lucj with those elevensies!

  15. Hahaha - that poor Thomas cat! I think he deserves a little hiding place in the luggage!


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