Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I was dreaming.  I was in a bowling alley.  It was the duck league against the chickens and the ducks were ahead.  The ball rolled down the alley and scattered pins for a perfect strike.  Lights flashed.  A roar went up from the crowd. Then another loud roar even deeper as thunder shook the house.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 4:47 a.m.   Another brilliant flash of lightning and another crash of thunder.  In the quiet that followed Thomas jumped on the bed and stomped his way to my chest.  He looked into my eyes and his purring joined the rumble in the sky.

All our windows were open to move the hot summer air around, so I had no problem knowing our truck-driving neighbor was also awake and backing his rig down his driveway.  Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Another flash and a roll of thunder, then more.  Even with my eyes squeezed closed I could see the light popping across the window.  Thomas continued to purr—hoping, no, demanding an early breakfast.  All the noise woke up our neighborhood skunk and he went out for a pungent stroll right by our house.

The rain swept in with a rush of wind.  DH jumped out of bed and hurried out to move some boxes in the shop away from possible incoming water.

It was a long time before sunrise but I decided it was useless to try and sleep.  I turned off the waiting clock alarm, got up, fed Thomas and went into the next room and put my yoga DVD in the player.  The instructor assured me the routine would leave me, "refreshed and energized for the whole day."

The storm finally reeled off to the east.  Stars peeked through the clouds.  The sun was still in bed.


  1. i am jealous for your weather, but the early wake-up is a bit rough... :)

  2. What a fantastic little snapshot of time! I was right there with you...


  3. I love this. You make me laugh and your story keeps me wanting more like was the yoga instructor right?
    Bowling EH! B

  4. Sounds like a very restless night Leenie.

  5. You write a vivid account Leenie - so foreign to me yet I can relate to every moment.

  6. Yoga at 4:47? Sometimes your sensibilities make my jaw drop right to the floor- I would have gotten up and gone straight to the fridge and the television. I am familiar with that skunk- he strolls by my open window some nights and makes me wretch.
    I hope that your instructor was right...hope the rest of your very long day was energized!
    Raining here...big surprise!

  7. We just had one of those gully washers .... whew!


  8. That's sort of a neat way to wake up...all your senses getting involved - though you could have definitely done without the skunk! :)

  9. The skunk would have woke me up ..nasty little creatures. It is nice that you have good company during the night..apparently your cat has insomnia too. Hope you found time for a nap:)

  10. Now I want to know if you were actually refreshed and energized for the whole day?! If so, please send me a copy of that tape.

  11. In answer to your question, Susan... No...not so much. I crashed at about 8:30 p.m. but I managed to get in my jammies before I went out at 9:00.


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