Friday, October 14, 2011


I’ve mentioned before that we enjoy fresh wild trout frequently at our table. 
The fishermen come back and tell me stories of all the fun they’ve had and
show me blurry photos and videos they took while they were trying to land said fish.
I enjoy fishing but not enough to spend days at it and not enough to 
purchase an out of state license.  Still they needed a photographer 
that wasn’t trying to hold a net or a fishing pole. 
Besides, spending a day on a lake in Montana in the fall was an offer I couldn't refuse.
So four of us—Son Beavis, DH, myself and

S.T.--Beavis’ friend and a fishing rookie, left for the lake.

It wasn’t long before we met with success.

These trout are BIG.

Both DH and Beavis were bringing them in

S.T. was getting the hang of slinging a worm on the end of a fishing line 
into the lake without wrapping it around a sage brush.

Success for the newbie!

Success for everybody.

Worms on a bobber and power bait.  Somehow the fish found it irresistible.

Did I mention the scenery was stunning?

Oh, yeah, back to catching fish.

The legal limit was five fish each and they were doing their best to reach it.

Catching rainbows.  Beauty, no?

The master shows off a “little” one.

Then the fish went off to do other fishy things.

It looked like the end of fishing for this day.  So we went home.

There were plenty of pictures and video of the day.

This post is for the fishermen.  
Next time there will be photos of other stuff we saw.


  1. So..this one's for my hubby who's a fanatical fisherman. Can't wait to see what you do with those snow-capped mountains.

  2. Psst...the next time you're planning a fishing trip, don't forget a sister ;)
    Bit of a drive, though!

    LOVED this post.

  3. nice to see you too!!! :) looks like a great day for some fish dinners!

  4. Were they tasty? The fish, not the fishermen. :)

    Finally a picture of you. I see you are dressed for the weather and looking beautiful as well.

  5. MrsCatch: Yes, DH and Beavis wanted to let their friends know all those fish stories weren't just...stories.

    Samantha: I'm sure you'd be welcome!

    TWG and CeeCee: Those wild trout ARE tasty. DH fillets them and cooks them in a wonderful variety of ways. Thanks for the compliments. One reason I like living where weather gets cold is every body looks better in a coat.

  6. Thanks to skillful Nikon Sniper,Leenie. Your fishing is so fantastic time among the beautiful nature. (;`ー´)o/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ >°))))彡 I would like to join you.

  7. My only reason to go along on a fishing trip would be to see the scenery. Love the mountain shots!

  8. Holy trout! So how long does it take to catch five trout each?

    And that's why I love hoodies and coats. :D

  9. I love trout I have not had any since I was a child.
    The scenery was certainly worth the trip.
    It is so nice to see you a face a name I love it. B

  10. Beautiful - especially the last shot!
    Great how you also got those fishies to smile like that, even though they had been changed from fishies to dinner, and they are quite dead.

  11. Stunning scenery and tasty looking fish. We had trout for dinner last night, but we didn't catch them! I used to take my son fishing when he was about 10 - guess who had to put the maggots on the hook?1

  12. Looks like a cold breeze just might be blowing...once more beauty follows you...great post!


  13. Great fishing shots..they are lucky to have such a talented photographer! You are lookin great! Love those fingerless looks cold tho:)

  14. Were they tasty? It is so beautiful there! Fun to see you with your big camera too! You took some great photos!


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