Thursday, December 1, 2011


(original poem by me)

The silver moon climbs in the east
And pulls along the rolling sea.
At lowest ebb, black mussels close,
Still dripping, into salty pools
Where sculpins dart and hide in fright,
If passing shadow blocks their light.

Starfish clamp themselves to rocks.
Anemones bind their snaky locks.
Then, slowly, footprints in the sand

Erase as waves contract, expand.
As leisurely as the fading light
The mossy rocks sink out of sight.
Essential in the plan must be
The moon that daily stirs the sea.

(something to remind all of us dealing with December
that summer is out there---somewhere)


  1. beautiful! those starfish are amazing, too! thanks for the summer vacation!

  2. What a lovely poem and warm sea pictures. It is wet here so at least the elements have something in common! What is a sculpin?

  3. A sculpin is a little bottom feeder fish--usually mottled black and gray. I've seen them in tide pools but I think they live in fresh water too.

  4. Sculpin, you say...

    Did you write this, Leenie? I love it.


  5. I desire to hang those colorful starfishes on the Christmas tree this year. Shall we sip a glass of fizz under the silver moon.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. wow what a lot of starfish!!!

  7. Pearl: Yes, it is my poetry. Thanks!

  8. Beautiful words and gorgeous images. I want to go there!

  9. Beautiful Leenie.I love the poem and the photos.
    I think I am living in a tropical land not in Canada I cannot believe it is 10c here on Dec. 2. It is very hard for a Canadian girl to even think of Christmas. I must go feed my cows who are loving this they are singing and dancing, OK maybe not singing but mooing. B

  10. wonderful words and pictures Leenie.

  11. Sculpin, what a cute name! Your poem is really lovely and sounds a lot like here except for the naked toes in the surf. BRRRR!

  12. Beautiful starfish! Let's get this winter thing over with already!

  13. So, so lovely! I especially liked the last line, "the moon that daily stirs the sea" -- what a terrific image. Can there be any better gift in the world than having friends who are poets? I think not. Thanks also for the picture of bare feet on sand. Elicited an actual sigh from Minnesota...


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