Sunday, December 4, 2011


“Whiter than new snow upon a raven’s back.” (Wm Shakespeare)  Against winter snow a big raven is hard to miss.  The long black feathers on their bodies and the shaggy short feathers on their heads and necks probably absorb light and heat in the cold, cold weather of the Rocky Mountains.

Bernd Heinrich’s book, The Mind of the Raven, says ravens mate for life.  According to Heinrich they chose their partners carefully, because the male raven must be a clever scavenger to provide for his mate and young.  Humans should be so wise.

Not only that, they raise successive young 
and are often quite affectionate with each other.

This couple was spending a morning looking for breakfast 
and trying to stay warm in temperatures well below freezing.

Finding a sunny spot on the roof they just decided to soak up the thin sunlight.

This progressed to grooming, caressing and mumbling.

The sunlight moved so they looked for a warmer spot
next to the vent on the top of the roof.

They settled down and fluffed up their feathers to keep their feet warm.

These two really care for each other.


Bird kisses.


  1. that is really sweet! i'm assuming ravens have the same 'family ties' as crows do. such intelligence!

  2. Gorgeous shots, Leenie! I love crows and ravens. Clever, spirited and loyal.

    You won't believe it - my word verification was "nested" :)

  3. WOW Leenie! Great photo story! Love this so much! You must have been very still and patient to get such fabulous shots- they are very sweet! LOVE!

  4. Wow I did not know that.For life that is very cool. Great post Leenie. B

  5. Birdlove!
    i love it.
    Is this the bird time of year when they are not so hidden behind the leaves?

  6. How amazing is that! You are a talented photographer. :)

  7. Love that shot of the raven with it's wings spread against the snow on the roof!

  8. I love them. :-) My grandmother and I shared a love of birds, and you've reminded me of her today. :-)


  9. Love love love! And so lovely. But you knew that. Thanks, Leenie.

  10. Like you I love the Ravens and crows....


  11. I didn't know that about ravens. Cool birds. Could make a great painting!

  12. They are cool and smart birds captured by you. I feel that you have special affections to them. The black crow is your clear-cut icon.


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