Saturday, June 23, 2012


The wind that has been blowing for days and days and days finally stopped, but not before a fire destroyed six houses and five outbuildings near Boise.  Two much larger blazes threatened dozens of dwellings in Wyoming and Colorado.

How hard did it blow here?

Hard enough to tip over horses.

This one even ended up in a ditch.

On the other hand, maybe they fell down when the wind FINALLY stopped.


  1. I've been hearing about the awful wild fires out west...glad the wind's finally stopped blowing!

  2. Wow...a two horse wind.

  3. My Autopsy Conclusion:
    Judging by the way that the horse's head is elevated above the ground, it appears that rigor mortis set in before the horse feLL over,
    (perhaps it had too much booze?)
    so it was alread-y dead-y
    before it became unstead-y
    judging by his head-y high,
    unless of course the horizontal horse
    is just happil-y a-snooze
    and simpl-y went beddy-bye.

  4. the fires are devastating this year, already!

  5. Wind- I would not be it's friend- I lived with it way too long and it made me permanently cranky. The weather everywhere is also cranky, it seems- we had one day of almost summer but still pretty much the same - rain dark cold.

  6. That is horrible about the fires I do hope things get better.
    About the horse I may be just tired and my eyes were partially shut but for just a second I thought it was a real horse with stiff legs it scared the crap out of me. B

    1. Kinda surprised me to come across them there in the road.

  7. My goodness! So sorry to hear about the losses to fire! Texas certainly knows about such things.
    Did you help the horses back onto their feet? :)

  8. The wind is the weather I find the scariest as I always expect smething to fly through the air and get me-or the kids when I am at school. I brought them in on Friday as it got so strong. Weird and worrying weather everywhere.

  9. Against the I am humming that tune..and I suppose it is an ear worm now..thanks Leenie. Those horses sure have stiff legs:)

  10. Sorry to hear about those losses caused by fires. We know all about the fierce combination of wind and fire in Australia - a frightening mix.In fact those horses look "scared stiff".

  11. That is always my fear when the wind starts blowing here in summer - fires - we have had a few bad ones when the fynbos is very dry.
    PS Well, if those horses were white, I may have suspected a surfeit of whisky being responsible for their condition, but as they are not, it is probably the wind!

  12. That donkey will never be the same again...

  13. That's so tragic about the loss of the houses and buildings. I hope no one was harmed (well, obviously the poor horse in the ditch would beg to differ!)


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