Thursday, September 19, 2013


The temperature was pretty nippy when I went for a walk just before dawn.  First time I’ve needed a hat for months.

The cool weather kept a lot of park walkers home.  Still there were those die-hard runners who will probably be out even when the snow flies.

Another sign of season change is the transforming from bicycles to snowboards in the store window.

The streets were quiet.  University students were probably catching a few extra minutes of snore before running to class.  I was able to stand in the middle of Main Street to catch a shot of the huge Harvest Moon going down.

By the time I was almost home the moon had changed from a dime to fifty cents.

Besides wearing a hat, I’ve also given in and dug out my socks. Erg.  And long pants.  Ice in the bird bath. Yesterday we sent the window unit A.C to the attic to hang out with the Christmas ornaments.  I don’t like to think about it but their turn is coming.


  1. Great shots of the moon. Not sure I would ever get up that early to see for myself.

  2. Leenie's MOONing! Excellent and unbelievable- as you know up here in cloud town we rarely see the sky- It is the Moon festival here that reminds us and we do like moon cakes!
    So, YAY, moon- Boo, winter, some say it's going to be a doozy this year- whomever "some" are...

  3. BEAUTIFUL moon photos!!

  4. WOW the moon the moon they are incredible shots. Oh I am looking forward to both you and I going out snowshoeing in the beauty of the snow. Too early?:) Yeah I am not really ready but it was 8c here the other morning:) hug B

  5. Fantastic moon shots!

    We'll have a high of 93 today.

  6. Driving home from a show one night I watched the moon rise in New Jersey and set in Ohio. Thinking back, must have been the harvest moon. It was stunning. Thanks for reminding me.

    It's been darn cold this week. I think we have one decent weekend coming up. But, it is over.

  7. I saw your moon on facebook then when we went out this evening it was here! I couldn't get a good shot but it did look impressive, and like yours shrunk pretty quickly!

  8. I woke up to 72 degrees this morning, and stood in a sweltering 85 for bus duty this afternoon.

    Ah...the full moon. So lovely to look at, yet the pull so invigorating to a classroom full of freshmen.

  9. Wow!
    Soooo Big Moon. w(゚o゚*)w
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Gorgeous moon shots! Yes, the stores are full of Hallowe'en goodies and boots. :)

    The moon here wasn't very low...last month's full moon, I felt like I could touch it. This Harvest moon felt like she was keeping a safe distance.

  11. It is cold, but what a great shot you got of the moon..

    I had to laugh, my husband is one of those die hards who is still running in January.


  12. Your moon shot with the traffic and street lights is just outstanding! A snow storm is heading into our state on Sunday...I AM SO NOT READY. Although, Terry is saying he is ready for a killing frost...then in a month he would be doing corn and be done for the season!



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