Monday, September 23, 2013


Monday morning.

 Got up early and worked out with the yoga lady on t.v.

 Got dressed.

 Thought about combing my hair a different way.  But decided why change what’s been working for decades?

 Took my SD card to Walgreens to have some photos developed.  Got there too early.  Unlike most of the world, our Walgreens isn’t open 24/7.

 Note to self.

More wisdom.

 Did some work on a painting.  
But I think I may be wasting my time using brushes.  
Considering investing in a roller and a big can of red paint.

Went through yellow, orange, red, burgundy and royal blue.  Did not make it to sky blue but working big time on dark green.

Consoled myself with this.

Worried about this.

 Read some blogs. Surfed the web.  Saw some cat videos…and this.

Remembered I didn’t get those photos developed.

Autumn weather makes bed time especially challenging.


  1. The workout routine looks familiar. As to leaving one leg out...not a chance....not even if I'm sweating to death.

  2. I was all of 20 when I stopped fearing a monster under the bed.

    As for the haircut picture. What the hell is up with the eyebrows? I had an eyebrow waxing disaster years ago and it was not cool in any way.

  3. Loved this--stole one picture!!

  4. So far under the covers this morning I didn't hear the alarm for twenty minutes. In my defense, it was down to thirty something overnight.

  5. You always have the coolest stuff when you post like this.
    On the subject of being the right temperature in bed---I'm at the 'hot flashes' stage. I need no covers. Eric has suggested that he needs a heated blanket for his side of the bed so he doesn't freeze this winter. :)

  6. You always have the coolest stuff when you post like this.
    On the subject of being the right temperature in bed---I'm at the 'hot flashes' stage. I need no covers. Eric has suggested that he needs a heated blanket for his side of the bed so he doesn't freeze this winter. :)

  7. Great. Now I can't leave my leg out any more.

  8. Ack, I've withdrawn my leg, will just swelter under the blankets...

    Great post, some of those are my fav's.



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