Friday, December 4, 2015


Forty years ago this month we moved from a two bedroom apartment into our present home.  During the passing decades our house has been through a devastating flood and several different remodelings.

 One of the last building projects was the addition of a front porch where we like to spend summer evenings.  From the porch is the view of a tree-lined irrigation canal which channels water to nearby farmland. 

Our friends tease us about having waterfront property.  It is nice to have nothing but the canal across the street, and just beyond the that is an assisted living complex which makes for very quiet neighbors.

 At least it was quiet until the facility purchased a big chunk of land to develop into an even bigger place.  With all the aging boomers it seems nursing homes are a good investment.

So a HUGE hole has been dug and concrete walls are going in for a basement. Also part of the design has been another bridge across the canal just a few yards from our house.

 As soon as the water was gone for the season, backhoes were brought in and they proceeded to dig up the canal banks to make way for the base of the bridge.

 All day long heavy equipment comes and goes, loading and unloading and rattling the windows with their rumble.

 This morning I took photos of the progress of the new bridge from the original bridge at the end of the street.

 It’s going to be interesting to see the finished product.

 Our view in this direction will soon be blocked by a building several stories tall.

There is one advantage to having access to this place just out our front door.  When the time comes, our kids will just have to toss us in a wheel chair to cart us off to the geezer house.


  1. ACK! Progress! I remember the days when there was enough room on the frontier for everybody.

  2. Geezer house eh? ;) hug B

  3. I should have expected a comment like the one at the end of your post... Now that's positive thinking! :)

  4. Gosh...I don't like the fact your view is now gone. Shish!



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