Saturday, July 20, 2013

IMMERSION--Inside Passage part 6

The area known as Desolation Sound between the west coast of British Columbia and Vancouver Island is a maze of scenic islands and waterways.

 In some places high peaks drop straight into steep narrow channels.

There waterfalls created by snowmelt plummet down the dark rock walls into water made a milky jade green by the sediment of glaciers.

In many areas such as Toba Inlet the depth of the water is well over a hundred feet deep right up to the shores.

Because of this depth our captain was able to nose the little David B 
right up to the cascading water.

We stood on deck in the mist from the falls as we shot photos of rainbows formed over the water.

Captain Jeffrey took the boat almost under Racine Falls and gave us all a good shower.  For once I had a handkerchief in my pocket so I was able mop off the lens of my camera in time to get some photos.

Although the still photographs we took were great, I think nothing tells the story like video.

 The footage is wobbly and shaky, but keeping my camera steady and level while standing on the deck of a moving boat was a bit of a challenge.  And, yes, my little Nikon 3100 took the soaking and kept on shooting.


  1. Looks beautiful, but it would not take much to get lost in that maze of islands.

  2. The thought of that deep water scares me, but the waterfalls are beautiful. Love the low-down rainbow.

  3. What a marvelous trip!!

  4. I've been as close as Washington, Idaho, and I absolutely love the area. You are lucky to live in it.


  5. Wonderful to look at. Especially if I didn't know the depth of the water.

  6. SO glad your little adventurous spirit dropped everything and went for it! WOW! such beauty and the David B. is such a fabulous boat. Thank you for posting this trip and for your moving picture skills! Lovely and I feel as though I have actually been on a vacation.

  7. Lovely! I particularly like the video and the spray spattered lens!

  8. Stunning, stunning shots, Leenie! Breathtaking!

  9. My goodness, what a trip, such memories...

    Makes me yearn for the water, especially since it's so hot here.


  10. Your trip was just outstanding!!


  11. Oh my gosh those waterfalls were stunning. How amazing to see them up close.


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