I admit it; I’m one of those morning people.
You know, the annoying ones who are up running around
before daylight hits the sky.
(Side note: this is really easy to do when the winter sun
stays in bed well after eight a.m.)
I like to visit the world before it gets all messed up with traffic and heat
–and the curse of our part of the world—wind.
I like how the low angle of the sunrise makes leaves glow.
I like how the water sparkles as it shoots from the big end guns
of the huge center pivot irrigation sprinklers in the fields.
I like how soft overcast mornings leave no shadows
except those already painted there on spotted hides.
I like the fresh dewy smell of the pastures
and the contented sound of cattle grazing.
I love the look of fields dotted with hay bales
ready to be gathered in for winter storage.
I like how the huge block hay bales--size eight by four by four feet--
--look like something out of Stonehenge in the long shadows of morning.
New jokes from the kids:
What do you call a cow that's just had a calf??
If a blue house is made of blue bricks and
a pink house is made of pink bricks and
a red house is made of red bricks what
is a green house made of??