I’ve always loved horses. I rode horses as a kid on the farm. Not fancy horses. One was so fat he was like riding the sofa. My short legs meant the horse had to be standing by something I could use to boost myself up, even when there was a saddle involved.

Owning a horse is expensive. Grazing land, barn, feed, water, tack, vet bills and transportation must be added to the initial expense of the animal. Not to mention the daily maintenance. So now I just look at horses.

Not far from our house in most directions are pastures full of horses. In one specific field there are new babies.

They are all Appaloosa foals. The American Appaloosa traces its roots back to Spanish stock that became prized by the Nez Perce Indian tribe of what is now northern Idaho.

The Indians bred the horses for endurance, short mane and tail for traveling in high brush, and good temper.

Then, of course, there are the markings.

The coat is spotted in one of several specific patterns from a speckled white rump to being mottled all over.

Idaho officially adopted the Appaloosa as the state horse in 1975.

Pretty little horses.