There was a window of an hour or so of sunlight between storms.
Even then the wind made the walk to the Nature Park pretty brisk.
I took some stale bread because I knew
I’d be mobbed by the mutant ninja ducks.
The wind was keeping them close to the ground.
They were happy to come and beg for a handout.
Note the bizarre coloring that's resulted from
combinations of wild and domestic waterfowl that live at the pond.
Plenty more ducks came running at the sight of food.
I was surprised how fast they could gobble it down.
The geese thought they were above the ducks.
They came right up and asked for their own personal fare.
Even a seagull or two arrived to carry off a meal.
A drink of water to wash it down.
Maybe two or three drinks.
babies in strollers and a little boy doing his best to keep up.
He liked them both.