Monday, April 9, 2018


I've just finished another watercolor.  This one I'm calling, "Special Delivery."  It is available for purchase at my Etsy Site, Watercolors by Leenie.

Here is a fisherman enjoying a morning away from his daily duties.  He's delivering a lure across the water hoping to attract the attention of a big fish.

I used some of my photos as references, put together a composition and then made a line drawing to be transferred to 140cp Arches watercolor paper.

I used masking fluid to protect some whites I wanted to preserve and then put down a layer of bright yellow highlights.

When that wash was dry I added darker details to the trees.

The final details to the fisherman and the water I put in the next day.  The completed work is 11 inches high and 15 inches wide.  

I had to get busy painting after I sold six large works to a store in North Carolina and another to a repeat customer in California.   I'm guessing these people recognize the prices for these one-of-a-kind paintings are way below what they would cost in a gallery.